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Stan Giddings

shares his stories with Mary Talent and Nicky Vanderaa

About ninety years ago, on a dried fruit property near Benetook Avenue, Koorlong, lived Thomas Giddings and his busy wife Gertrude, along with their boys -- Keith, John, Les, Bob and Arthur. Five healthy sons -- a family to be proud of – was a true blessing. All was going well, even though it was tough for primary producers in those years between the wars. In her heart however, Gertie, as she was affectionately known, desired a daughter and on March 4, 1931 her prayers were answered when she gave birth at Mildura Hospital to a baby girl. Baby Nancy came with the closest of companions, a twin brother. He was named Stanley William Giddings.This is Stan’s story: Even to this day there is a mystery about who was born first, Nancy or Stan? When their father Thomas registered their birth, he placed Stan’s name first, although Gertrude always claimed Nancy was first to arrive. Either way, the two were always close friends. Stan cannot remember ever having a disagreement in their eighty-seven years as twins.

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Mallee Living Histories

The Mallee’s Living Histories full editions are available for purchase from Princes Court Community Living Shop.