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Sue Tassone

shares her life story with Margaret Jackman 
World War II was the reason Sue was born in Mildura and for Sunraysia being where she has spent most of her life.

Her father was in the Air Force and was sent from Perth to Mildura for training. Her mother Margaret was a nurse who had come down from Broken Hill to work in the hospital. At the time of Sue’s birth her father was posted overseas while her mother was living with her mother, Sue’s grandmother, at Red Cliffs. Old Dr Barker sent her mother into hospital on Victory in the Pacific Day on August 15, 1945. He was worried she wouldn’t be able to get transport to Mildura Base Hospital when required as he expected, “All hell could break out with the celebrations.” Sue eventually arrived fifteen days later. Meanwhile her father was anxiously awaiting this news. His great friend Geoff Ryan always claimed he had helped bring Sue into the world, by stopping her father wearing a trench between his tent and the post tent as he paced back and forth. Jan Ryan visited Sue’s mother in the hospital and became a good friend. After his return from the war Sue’s father was posted to Mt Druitt in Sydney as there was a shortage of accommodation for the many returned servicemen and families. Air Force personnel walked around knocking on doors asking residents how many people were living in the house and how many bedrooms they had. The Vincents had two small children and two bedrooms, so the Air Force said they could take a family - and that was baby Sue, her Mum and Dad. The house wasn’t even finished yet, it was only half a house, but the Vincents welcomed them. The families are friends to this day.

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Mallee Living Histories

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